Although the Bureau and law enforcement wouldn't see the somewhat famous and popular "Dillinger" targets for another year (along with other gangsters), this early 1933 document gives us a look of Frank Baughman's ideas. Not only is the early police target discussed for purchase, but also the idea of utilizing NRA field reps in the training of FBI agents nationwide.
An apparent later 1934 document gives us a glimpse of probably the earliest found on record of the actual first use of various firearms and qualification scores needed but listening devices and more. From our research, it appears that this "standard form" was first a product of the New York FBI Office, and "fine tuned" by Baughman himself for distribution to the field.
Early on, as you'll read, Director Hoover made it very clear to all that those who didn't qualify with firearms were no doubt soon to be looking for a new job!
1933 targets and NRA assistance
1934 qualifications - The June, 1934 standard scoring form used nationwide.
1934 Hoover Directive: Qualify Or Get Out!
tags: FBI firearms qualifications; targets used by the FBI; FBI early training; NRA and FBI