FBI History - All The Little Things You Never Knew!

During our review of FOIA documents recently obtained in July, 2014, I came across this 1938 "menu" of notable dates of FBI history.  Bearing in mind this is a 1938 document, the average reader might wonder how much can there really be?

Surprisingly......quite a bit. 

Many today are generally familiar with the major highlights of FBI history and with a small amount of research time, they can be found anywhere on the Net. But what we see with the Bureau's historic period shown in this document are multiple detailed Bureau moments that in reality, many both outside and inside the Bureau really never knew about........What is especially interesting in this document are the numerous "bullets" of historical notes of the pre Hoover, and post Hoover period of the 1920s, let alone anything after 1930.  For example, there aren't many who know that Bureau training classes began in Washington, D. C. as early as 1928!

All in all, this twenty page document is revealing in facts and figures that I know the average interested reader, writer, researcher, and student have never seen....

It's unclear from our file review who authored this document within the FBI's hierarchy at the time, but regardless, you can read it here.....