Artist Rendition Of SA Henry "Hank" SloanWith the passage of the 1934 Crime Bill, giving the FBI the power of carrying weapons and making arrests, many outsiders envision the immediate training of the agents during that period at the FBI Academy at Quantico, Va. This is not an accurate assumption.
The fact is, construction on the FBI Academy did not begin until 1939. Firearms and other training for the Agents of the early 30's actually occurred at Quantico, Va. Marine base ranges and other locations, such as Fort Washington, Ft. Meade, Maryland and surrounding but under control of the military and with their training assistance. There is today a long standing close relationship between the FBI and the US Marine Corps.
Taken from the FBI's internal magazine, "The Investigator," and courtesy of the Sloan family,
Read the history of the FBI Academy, it's firearms training, and more here.
You can see an example of a 1935 Bureau request of the War Department to utilize Fort Meade, Maryland (in this case) for training. Click here.